Friday, January 05, 2007
Chapter 6B-Preparation
"Tobal Kane," he said, "welcome to our clan." The fiery figure stepped forward and embraced him in a crushing bear hug. "Come in, sit down! We greet you as a brother and a seeker after the hidden wisdom of Heliopolis."
They entered into the warm teepee and Tobal sat on some warm furs next to the cheerful fire in the center of circular structure.
The Master clapped his hands together loudly. "Proclaim the arrival of Tobal Kane to our entire camp!"
"Yes Master," a black robed guard replied. Bowing stiffly he backed three steps before turning and leaving the teepee.
Tobal heard the guard shouting loudly, "Welcome Tobal Kane, the newest member of our clan!" Then he heard sounds of scattered applause, whoops and yells of welcome.
The Master turned toward Tobal, "You will need the sign and password of our clan to enter our camp in the future. The pass word for the present month is…" and he whistled a tune that Rafe had been whistling from time to time.
"Before you leave I will give you the first of our teachings. Remember this and dwell upon it in the days to come. Those that wish to be free must submit to some form of discipline and organization. This evening you will be initiated as an Apprentice and expected to complete the duties of an Apprentice. If you do not have the self discipline you will find your time among us very hard. Our goal is the development of self discipline and personal freedom. If you learn your skills well you will discover personal freedom and self empowerment that you have never dreamed of.
The rules of our clan are as strict as the rules of nature. A 'Circle of Elders' guides us in all things. Respect them and go to them for advice and counsel when you need to. Don't worry about the apparent restrictions your obligations will place upon you. They are designed to free you and assist in the personal discovery of your own 'True will'. In finding your own internal authority you will no longer need our external authority. That is when you can follow your true destiny in life. It is our wish you find your own internal Master and allow him to guide you in all things.
We have no way of knowing what your true destiny might be. You have the right to discover and follow your true path and none of us shall ever stop you. We will place power and knowledge in your hands. Remember you have made a solemn oath to us of your good will and intention."
"Now," the Master clapped his hands and smiled, "You need to be prepared for your Apprentice initiation."
The Master and four black robed guards led him to another teepee that had a fire burning within it. Tobal was introduced to five others that were also going to be initiated that night. He was left there to share a light meal with his new comrades. Several hours later the Master and guards reappeared and addressed each of them.
"Do you wish to take the Apprentice Initiation?"
"It is my wish," said Tobal solemnly along with the others.
"Then you need to be properly prepared. Guard!" The Master indicated toward Tobal and the others.
"Take these candidates to be prepared."
The guard silently took the small group to a sweat lodge and told them to purify themselves first by the steam and then by diving into the pool of icy spring water that was close by. Tobal dropped his clothing with the others and walked naked into the sweat lodge. There were three girls and three boys but no one seemed to notice anything unusual about it.
Tobal sat in silence and meditation with the others for thirty minutes in the steam until the sweat was pouring off him. He had been instructed to choose a magickal name for himself. During this time he had also been instructed to think about why he wanted to become an Apprentice. His thoughts naturally turned toward his parents and how they had somehow wanted this for him.
The sweat poured off as his stiff muscles slowly loosened and relaxed. He felt clean and refreshed. He was also getting excited about the coming initiation. Two of the others had already left the sweat lodge but he still hadn’t decided upon a proper magickal name for himself. Suddenly it seemed his mother was whispering to him, "Brother Oak, you will be strong like an oak tree and help your brothers and sisters."
After another five minutes in the steam he ran out and dived into the shallow pool of icy water gasping as the shock took his breath away. He staggered gasping out of the pool and ran into the main teepee where he grabbed a blanket and began rubbing his body furiously trying to bring the circulation back. He felt a bit strange and silly as he picked up his mutilated robe and put it back on. It was no longer a robe but more like a tunic that came down just barely below his waist. The cool air and a slight draft made him keenly aware of his lack of underwear. He made a mental note to make some as soon as possible. The unaccustomed draft made him feel vulnerable and uncomfortable.
He laughed and moved nearer to the fire joining those already there. They joked about the coldness of the icy water and the draftiness of the shortened robes as they made room for him at the fire. That broke the ice and they chatted as one by one they were taken to their initiations. Finally Tobal was left alone in the teepee. He was warm by then and even opened the door flap and sat in the opening looking out as he waited.
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