Thursday, December 28, 2006
Chapter 5B-The First Night
Tobal had never heard of anything like that. He had his doubts but went ahead following Rafe's lead, cutting pine boughs and lacing them together into an enormous mound that smelled of fresh pine.
"Now take the blanket you are using as a poncho. It won't matter if it gets dirty. Lay it down over the pine boughs to keep the pitch from getting on your clothing and sleeping bag. Put your sleeping bag on top of that and use your last blanket if you need to."
Tobal did as he was told, sat down and stretched out over his blanket and sleeping bag. An incredulous smile raced across his face.
"Hey, this is great!" He bounced up and down. "This is just like a bed."
Rafe chuckled and started fixing the evening meal. He took both canteen cups and filled them with water. Then he put some jerky in them and made a stew adding wild onions, wild potatoes and other herbs that he pulled out of his pack. The smell of cooking stew made Tobal crazy with hunger. All in all, Tobal thought as he finished the meal, licking the last drop out of the canteen cup, it was one of the best meals he had ever eaten. It was filling and really hit the spot as well. He thanked Rafe for sharing his rations.
Rafe said, "Tomorrow, you’re going to find your own food. The next meal will be on you, but we did enough for today. Better get some sleep."
Tobal crawled into his bed. It was against the rock face and heat from the fire reflected back from the rock and warmed him from both sides so he was toasty warm. The melting snow lay somewhere hidden beneath the thick pile of pine boughs. His eyes closed and he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pack. He sank into a deep dreamless sleep.
The smell of baking fish woke him up. Rafe had gotten up ahead of him and managed to catch some fish.
Tobal laughed and asked, "How did you catch fish?"
Rafe just shook his head, grinned and said, "I set some traps last night and checked them this morning. We got a good batch of fish for breakfast. You got lucky today," his eyes twinkled mischievously.
"Will you teach me how to catch fish?" Tobal asked.
Rafe looked soberly at him. "There is only so much you can learn in a day. Relax a little. It will come at its own pace. We've got to take it easy, but we will get there. The way I figure, it will take a month to learn what you need. Then you can solo for a month. We're doing pretty well right now. You go ahead and enjoy your breakfast.
The first week of being in the woods will wipe you out. It will take awhile to build your strength and stamina. So these first few days I'm going to take it easy on you. After that, you better look out."
The fish were wrapped with herbs and baked in the fire. He tore into the trout and washed it down with water from his canteen. He couldn't remember anything that tasted so good and he really felt alive. The morning air felt crisp and chill with a slight breeze. It was going to be a good day.
"What are we going to do today?" He asked.
"Well," said Rafe, "I don't know if you noticed last night but it is almost the full moon. Every full moon we have a big get together."
"How many of us are out here?" Tobal interrupted.
"Oh, it varies. There are somewhere between 150 and 200 of us out here. Sometimes we see each other and sometimes we don't," Rafe answered. Then he continued as if Tobal hadn't said anything, "We have our meetings, social time, get-togethers and parties. We share stories and connect with each other. We also share the latest gossip." He laughed. It's also when we initiate newbies like you."
"You know what time of year it is don’t you?" He looked over at Tobal.
Tobal was puzzled, "It's April."
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