Thursday, December 14, 2006
Chapter 3C-The Massacre
Adam glanced at Tobal before continuing, "Howling Wolf told us in ancient times this was called 'becoming immortal or God like'. Each culture had it's own name for it. The Taoists called it 'developing the immortal physical body'. Jesus used this technique or something similar when he appeared in a closed room full of disciples after his supposed death. Thomas, the doubter, did not believe until he felt the holes of the nails in Jesus' hands and feet. The ancient Greeks spoke of heroes and heroines that became immortal."
He paused and took a sip of brandy before continuing. " The holy men and women of the earth's religions knew these techniques and passed them on in secret to a select few. The Gods and Goddesses of all religions were once human. After they learned these techniques they became 'divine' and transcended normal human life. Later they were worshipped as Gods and Goddesses.
Can you imagine the military application of such super human abilities? Imagine spies and assassins that can't be stopped or caught. Do you understand what I am saying? Phase III was insignificant compared to Howling Wolf's bi-location process.
Your parents refused to cooperate any longer with the harmful studies because of the mutagenic effect it had on the human DNA. Several volunteers had already died horrible deaths. The Federation found out about our secret group and panicked. They sent in Special Forces and massacred our entire village hoping to kill every one of us."
Adam's throat caught and his voice faltered. "Many innocent lives were lost. Not just those in the sanctuary program. My wife was murdered and my two older children. Howling Wolf's entire family was living in the village and they were murdered too. Only two of his grandchildren survived and that was because they were with us. We were at a secret meeting and had taken you, Sarah, and Howling Wolf's two grandchildren with us. I was taking care of the four of you. The rest were in a meeting when it happened."
"When we came back," his voice faltered and there were tears in his eyes, "When we came back they were all dead. Your father and mother went to find your uncle. He was the Federation officer in charge of Phase III. They never came back. They took you with them. Howling Wolf's son and daughter-in-law were hunted down and executed. The rest of us vanished. Howling Wolf took his remaining grandchildren and I took Sarah. She doesn't know she had two older brothers."
"We went back in secret and buried our loved ones. Several times they almost caught us but we slipped through them like ghosts," he laughed hollowly and without humor, "That's what we were, ghosts burying ghosts."
His fist clenched, "That's what they were too, if we ever caught them. We wanted to stay but the children were not safe and needed protection. We waited for word from your parents but no word ever came. Howling Wolf was going to keep an eye on things and keep our secret meeting place from being discovered. We knew how to contact each other in an emergency. I was going to get money for the supplies to rescue your parents if they were still alive."
"That's all I know," he said wearily sitting back in his chair. "Howling Wolf never contacted me. They must have hunted him down and killed him too. I don't see how he could have survived."
Adam peered at Tobal over his spectacles. "Now you tell me there is renewed interest in your parent's research. I've thought about this for a long time. I've always wanted Sarah to go through the sanctuary program. I'm getting too old to train her myself. Knowing that you will be there makes me feel better about Sarah going. I will send her next fall after the tourist season."
"Can you bi-locate," Tobal asked in awe?
The old man nodded gruffly, "Howling Wolf and your parents taught me."
"Can Sarah?"
Adam sighed and took another sip of brandy. "No she can't. She needs to go through the sanctuary program first for the preliminary training. After that I can train her."
"Will you train me," Tobal asked hopefully?
Adam took a long time before answering. He bent forward and his steely eyes looked straight into Tobal's soul. "Get through the sanctuary program first and then ask me. If it is still what you want, then I will train you. I owe your parents that much. Make sure Sarah gets through her training too."
Tobal was overwhelmed by the information and needed some time to think. He believed the old man, but he also felt the old man was not telling the entire story. He excused himself and said he needed to go for a walk down by the park and clear his head.
The sun was high and it was almost noon when Sarah came to get him for lunch. She was shy and awkward in social situations. Tobal guessed she didn't get around much and was surprised she was being home schooled. To be home schooled in today’s high tech society was unheard of. As they walked back to the shop for lunch he wondered how good her education really was.
Sarah and Tobal spent a lot of time together and became good friends. She was interesting to talk with and certainly knew far more about history than he did. The days crept by and early March brought heavy snows that made a mess in Old Seattle where traffic was foot traffic. Sidewalks were kept shoveled clear but the streets were left to melt on their own. Getting around on foot made travel hazardous. They spent most of the time inside the store or visiting other shops.
One day they went to New Seattle. It was like any modern city-state he had ever visited. It was lacking in personality and created to satisfy its population with passive pleasures like virtual gaming tournaments and interactive learning terminals linking people from all across the globe. Like many city-states if followed the European pattern of stacking people like sardines in limited living quarters. That was balanced with large parks, recreational areas and gardens where a person could spend time alone in nature without ever leaving the city itself.
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