Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Chapter 25B-Tobal Fights
Tobal felt a weak sick feeling in his stomach and realized he was probably in for quite a beating. Ox still held a grudge against Tobal from that time in sanctuary when they had argued over Melanie. Tobal had only saved himself from a beating by instinctively pulling a knife and threatening the Ox with it. This time though no weapons were allowed. It was simply hand to hand warfare with no rules.
Tobal assumed a boxer's stance and tried a few jabs to no effect. Cautiously they circled the ring looking for an opening. Then the Ox put down his head and charged straight at Tobal. He tried moving out of the way but was caught by a huge hairy arm that turned him around. Next a hammer exploded in the pit of his stomach and solar plexus doubling him up. He felt the bile rise in his throat as all the fight ran out of him. He lay in agony on the cave floor gasping for breath curled up in the fetal position trying to protect his stomach from further damage. Dimly he heard the referee call out time. Tobal had just lost his first match in less than two minutes. His eyes were stinging with tears.
Tobal was surprised when Joy re-challenged the brute from the first fight. It was easy to see there was no such thing as fairness in these matches. Anybody was fair game and the smaller and weaker got picked on more often than the bigger and stronger ones. If you were big and powerful things generally went your way. It didn't seem right but life was unfair at times and the strong often did win. It was brutal survival of the fittest in its most primitive form and wasn't very pretty.
Tobal tasted blood in his mouth as he sat watching Joy. She handled herself remarkably well this time and it was easy to see she had more stamina than the brute. She found an opening and finished the match by landing a kick solidly in the groin of the brute to the applause of the watching crowd. It was then that Tobal realized he had to be really careful. He had to learn a heck of a lot more about fighting than he knew right now. He also realized Joy was right in fighting after her first defeat. It was the only chance she really had to move ahead and it didn't cost her anything.
He looked over the unchallenged members of the group carefully. Being a looser he had the opportunity to challenge and in a spark of anger challenged one of the remaining members that hadn't fought yet. In a burst of fury and lightning movements he had tripped and thrown the person out of the ring over the rope. The referee called the match and Tobal was the winner. In a flash of sportsmanship he went over and helped the other person back to his feet and they started talking together.
"Man, what got into you?" The other person said. "You were like a demon or something. I never even had a chance. It was all over before I knew what was happening."
"That's how my fight with Ox went." He laughed. "I never saw it coming either."
His name was Jake and soon he and Tobal were hanging out together sparring and learning everything they could from any of the others that were willing to spend some time training with them. Tobal really sucked at fighting and it was good to team up with someone willing to work hard with him. They spent most of the next two weeks sparring every day for hours. They mercilessly drove themselves to the point of exhaustion. It seemed to Tobal that he was always stiff and bruised but when circle finally came he was ready for it and felt that he needed a little break.
While the tournaments were brutal, the initiations were beautiful in their own way. Tobal watched in fascination as the circle was cast widdershins and the pentagram was drawn upside down. He realized the ritual was almost the same as the one used in the Apprentice degree except reversed and backward. As the power was raised, it felt different and had a harder edge to it.
The primal earth energy of the Journeyman degree was much different than the spiritual light energy of the Apprentice degree. It was more visceral and seemed more magickal. The images of the Lord and Lady seemed more real and it was as if they were really there in the circle. He heard their voices urging him to get up and fight after the Ox had slammed him to the ground but had not been able to get back up.
Watching the initiations he saw them beside the candidates after they had given up fighting the six dark hooded figures. His parents kneeled beside the candidate as the circle began to move widdershins and the High Priest and High Priestess bestowed their blessings upon the initiate. Then it seemed as if they merged and flowed into the candidate and disappeared.
Later he asked Ellen about these things and she was interested in what he saw. Apparently he was able to see things even the High Priest and High Priestess had trouble seeing or feeling. More correctly he was seeing and hearing what a High Priest or High Priestess was supposed to be able to see and hear. She was excited about his natural talent and he spoke about some of the exercises and meditations that Crow and Llana had taught him. He didn't mention his belief that the Lord and Lady were his parents. That would be too much.
There was no requirement for him to go to circle but he always felt it was very important to show up and see how his Apprentice friends were doing and celebrate with them as they trained and soloed their own trainees. Melanie and Becca would be getting their sixth chevrons and he didn't want to miss that. He was also looking forward to some quiet time with Becca.
He arrived just in time to change into his black robe and take part in the initiation ceremony as a guard. He didn't have time to look for Becca or talk with any of his friends and none of them showed up during the day to chat. It was mid July and hot. Becca and Melanie usually looked him up at least once during the day and he had a nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that something was wrong.
He tried not to worry as he and Joy made sure the candidates were properly welcomed into the clan and later prepared for their initiation.
(Don’t Panic! The entire book will be posted. I wouldn’t be that mean to anyone!)
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Yes it's true! I've cleaned up my act and Anarchist Knight:Apprentice is now anatomically and gramatically correct. (At least better than ever) I've gone through the entire manuscript correcting spelling errors, dialogue errors and indenting paragraphs. If you don't like reading it two pages at a time skip the ads and download the entire book for the price of a cup of coffee and a donut!
Better yet if you are the type of person that simply needs to have good books in your book case Anarchist Knight:Apprentice is now available as a 300 page paperback book! It would make an awesome Christmas gift for someone you care about or even for yourself! I make about $1.60 on each sale.
Does this mean I'm done? Hardly. Those of you that have stayed with me from the beginning of this adventure have seen me grow as a writer and a story teller. This is simply the next phase. What I need now is feedback from my readers telling me what works and what doesn't work. Things they would like to see changed or more attention spent on.
I am asking you to help me out here. Give me comments and feedback! Let me know if you want to read the second book, Anarchist Knight:Journeyman. Help me make this product better and sell it by word of mouth. Better yet let others know what you think! Go to:
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The Anarchist Knight:Apprentice Story continued
I was getting readers and good feedback that they were liking the story. As readership leveled off I wondered how to get more readers since my search engine ratings were still in the toilet.I had other non-fiction material sitting around and a few were even in book form. If I could replicate my success with this other material I could exchange links so the new readers would have access to the different blogs as well as the one they were currently reading.
It was a nice theory but extremely difficult in reality. The work involved in just setting up blogs was enormous and I was working seven days a week at two jobs. My marriage suffered because of all the time I spent on the computer.
The worst part came when I realized that I couldn't keep up the pace. Putting out that much material in a timely manner was unrealistic. I needed to cut back.