Thursday, September 14, 2006


Chapter 19C-The Federation and the City

Tobal started. His uncle had said he was in charge of security, not that he had been Commander in charge of the entire project. There was obviously a lot his uncle had known about and not shared with him.

Ellen continued, "The military created a new program that allowed no children or elderly unless they were physically fit enough to make it through the three degree system. It was simply a system designed to create recruits for the Federaton military. The thought was it created better soldiers.

The city of Heliopolis became a city of the elite ruled by the military, a city of supermen and superwomen if you will. The graduates were still human, very human but something about the training acted to eliminate dysfunctional areas within the psyche and built strong healthy individuals that could out compete the average person in all measured areas of health and competency. This continued several years until enough data was available to compare the graduates of the sanctuary program with special military forces. It was here they showed radical differences. The graduates of the sanctuary program did not do well in the normal military. Studies confirmed that military training suppressed the individual and forced conformance to a rigid authoritarian structure that was simply not endurable to the average graduate. The graduates of the sanctuary program were individuals and not team players.

It was at this point the Federation lost much of it's interest in the project and turned it back to civilian control. The Federation continued to recruit graduates for field operative positions and kept a mountain complex manned with military personnel for special training. They also agreed to share medical resources with the medics as they needed them.

Ellen stopped and looked around, "That was when the city was granted the right of self government. But only those that had completed the restructured sanctuary training were considered citizens with the right to vote. They voted to adopt the military's program in favor of the earlier program run by Ron and Rachel Kane. The earlier program had consisted of the creation of a village with children and old people as an important part of the social research that was going on. There was no more interest in the creation of another "village" in the wilderness. It was felt there were too many "Safety concerns".

The Citizens of Heliopolis maximized individual qualities under a loose structure of cooperative effort. The city itself gained in political power and influence even as it remained closed to normal trade and commerce. It's citizenry were active in the outer world owning companies and making directives that influenced world politics. They formed an elite pool of superior resources that fought for it's own place in world politics. It was whispered that government research continued at a nearby secret mountain complex where Special Ops field agents were trained."

"The rest was classifed and I couldn't get into it", Ellen said. She hesitated as if with an internal struggle.

"Our base is part of the secret mountain complex. We are only allowed to use the emergency room and some nearby areas. It is under high security with lots of armed guards. There are field operatives that come and go from the complex all the time. I shouldn't be telling you this so please keep it to yourselves."

"Wow", you've certainly given us something to think about", Rafe shook his head. "This doesn't sound good to me. There is something wrong. Especially if the rogues are really field operatives. Why would field operatives attack us?"

"And attack the Village", Crow spoke up. "There have been several incidences of villagers being attacked by rogues and we always believed it was clansmen that attacked us. It is beginning to sound like someone wants the clansmen and the villagers to hate each other. Perhaps someone is trying to provoke conflict between us. We need to go to the village and prove we are not attacking them. Too many people have died already."

"Yeah, and my parents were right in the middle of it", Tobal said bitterly. "It killed them and it might kill us if we are not careful. He turned to Crow who had been listening intently to Ellen's story.

"What can you tell us about any of this? It sounds like your grandfather, Howling Wolf was as much in the middle of this as my parents and he is the only one still alive that I know of except Sarah's father."

"This is all new to me", he said. But I will talk with him about it. I will return with any information I feel is important. More than ever I feel there is danger to my village and they need to be warned."

Tobal was thankful Crow never mentioned the special training on bi-location and the secret meeting place under the waterfall. He was certain that Ellen was too.

"I'm concerned about Apprentices leaving the area and visiting the village", Ellen told them. "We will be ordered to stop you from going there even though there are no specific guidelines preventing it. Crow seems to have found a loop hole in the system only because he is from the village himself and because it is within our area of coverage. Our orders don't contemplate such unlikely scenarios. You need to travel as fast as you can."

She continued, "As long as the air sleds continue to monitor your med-alert bracelets you should be alright". She paused, "That does mean we will need to patrol further to the west then we have in the past."

She looked straight at Crow. "They are going to try to stop you from reaching the village you know."

"I know", he said. "It will be alright. Grandfather is expecting us."

They left things at that and the conversation moved on. The group gradually broke up and began talking about other things. Tobal and Becca stayed together holding hands as they wandered around the group chatting with other clansmen. They slowly made their way to the beer keg where Rafe had rejoined Dirk.

Rafe and Dirk were both still on the beer task force and grumbling because they had twice the beer to brew since the reserves had been consumed at the Yule party last month. Still they were good natured about it and said they were trying a new recipe that should be quite interesting. It was just as well there was only a small group that month though. They wouldn't be drinking quite that much.

Becca hadn't heard about the special brew Dirk and Rafe were cooking up and didn't really know what to think.

"When will this new beer be ready to drink", she asked doubtfully?

"Sometime this April probably", said Dirk chuckling. "Rafe and I both plan on being medics by then. We can administer first aid to anyone that needs it. Pump their stomach or something."

Tobal snorted and blew beer all over.

"Hey, watch it", Rafe complained. "It's not that funny."

Tobal turned to Dirk, "How did that sure thing match go?"

Dirk turned red, "Not so well."

"He got his ass kicked", Rafe chuckled and proudly displayed his own fifth chevron. "Some people actually win once in a while."

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