Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Chapter 19B-Ellen Reports

She set his bowl down and kissed him. “It won’t do any good. We’ll just tell stories then.”

“What kind of stories”, he undid some of the buttons on her parka and reached inside. She gasped in pleasue and their embrace was much longer than the last one. No thought of continuing the conversation. They were lost in the moment and in each other.

“Hey, some of us are trying to eat around here.” Nikki and Melanie had brought their own bowls of stew to eat by the fire.

“Becca, are you saving any for us?” Nikki quipped.

Tobal flushed.

Becca just nuzzled closer, “No, you’ve got to get your own.”

Together all four cleaned the dishes and moved toward the circle where the initiations were about to begin. It was cold and they took up positions next to a wind break that shielded one of the signal fires. As long as they stayed out of the wind it was alright.

Misty was HighPriestess that night and both she and the High Priest wore furs. The circle seemed much smaller than usual. There was a strong wind with drifting snow even in the sheltered valley and no one seemed anxious to dance around the fire clothed or not. Tobal felt sorry for the new initiates that had to stand blind folded in such a wind with shortened tunics even if they were right next to the bon fire. To his relief they were wrapped in blankets to prevent over exposure to the bitter cold. In all things safety was the over riding concern of the medics and Masters. Living in harsh conditions made one strong, being foolish killed you.

They watched together as Nikki’s, Melanie’s, and Becca’s newbies were initiated. Afterward Tobal was introduced to Cheryl, Loki, and Bran, the new initiates.

“If you are not careful we will catch up to you”, Melanie warned. “Cheryl, Loki and Bran make three newbies apiece for each of us. You have only trained one more than us.”

“I know”, Tobal frowned. “Why rub it in?”

The girls laughed and hugged him. “We’re just teasing. Don’t be so serious all the time.”

Tobal had gotten his fourth chevron that morning and was eager to get training. He already felt it had been a major mistake on his part to sit out the last month. The boredom and solitude had almost driven him crazy. He had tried working on the meditations and exercises Crow had taught him but it had been hard to focus and concentrate. Much of the time his thoughts had kept going back to Becca and their growing involvement with each other. Somehow it seemed to push everything else away. He didn’t know what had happened to his self discipline.

Immediately after circle things were moved inside one of the permanent shelters and continued out of the bad weather. This had happened a few other times during heavy rain but was unusual. Clansmen believed in having circle outside rain or shine, hell or high water. They spent so much time in the elements it didn’t bother them much and they were dressed for it.

They found a warm corner and started to gather. By the time Ellen got there ten people were sitting around waiting to hear what she had learned. Needless to say, Ellen was not happy with everyone knowing about the rogues or about Crow taking an entire group to the village for a visit.

Finally she gave in and sat with them and talked about what she had found out in her research.

“I was able to tap into the city’s data base and look into the historical archives and records”, she began. ” Ron and Rachel Kane were scientists that lived in the city and developed the sanctuary training system.” She looked around the group, “Those are Tobal’s parents, for those of you that don’t already know.”

The look of surprise on a few faces told Tobal that at least a few hadn’t known.

Ellen continued her story, “The sanctuary program was originally a social experiment designed to create a utopian community of specially trained and competent individuals. It was a personality modifying program to create physically, emotionally and mentally healthy individuals with strong will power and high creative ability.

It was highly successful in creating individuals that seemed to be more highly motivated and competent than the norm found within the Federation itself. The graduates showed scores that were mentally, emotionally and physically superior than non graduates and it was no surprise when the military got involved and the project became classified. Heliopolis became a natural recruiting ground for highly competent leaders and soldiers. It was a city-state devoted to the development of the Ubermench or super human and the main recruiting ground for Federation Special Forces.

As time went on the graduates gained political power within Heliopolis itself and voted for political changes that challenged the values and life styles of the older citizens that had not participated or agreed with the social experiment. The citizenry split along lines that supported the social experiment and those that were against it.”

Here Ellen stopped and said thoughtfully, “There is a saying that old timers never change their minds, they just die off and the younger generation outlives them. That was not the case in Heliopolis. The changes were so fast and radical there was not enough time for mediation. The hostilities and tensions became so great it resulted in a massacre of several students and familes living at the main Apprentice gathering spot and the deaths of Ron and Rachel Kane whose bodies were found floating in the lake nearby.”

Ellen broke off from her story to look around at the group. “It seems not only Tobal lost his parents then but Crow lost both parents and Sarah lost her mother. This was not in the official report but in what I have learned personally.”

Sarah was white faced and her fists were tightened. There were murmurs within the group until Crow stopped them. “Let her finish.”

“These multiple murders created a military emergency and the entire city fell under martial law directed by the Federation and Tobal’s uncle Harry Kane who was the commander in charge at the time. It was under his command that any of those connected with the murders were eliminated or deported and Heliopolis became a secret classified program controlled by Federation military.”

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Who knows why one person gives up and dies while another struggles on through overwhelming odds and comes out on top? We all want to survive. But are we willing to do what needs to be done?

Anarchistic Knights-a serialadventure is a fiction story based upon survivalism values and principles. Survivalism is not fiction! It is real and the challenges we face in today’s world require self empowerment training.

OAK:Foundations-a serialadventure gives the basics for modern survivalism and self empowerment techniques. Empower yourself today!

OAK:Tarot of Love and Romance is about the energy dynamics of love and human relationships. Why love sparks and why it sometimes dies. Can any of us really survive without love?

OAK:Magister Templi shows how modern science and chaos theory are compatable with advanced metaphysical concepts. Science is not in conflict with paranormal and supernatural activity.

OAK:Magick,Mystery and Madness is my own personal book of shadows. If you are interested in magick and energy work this is the place!

Alligator Alley:Modern Survivalism places the ancient knowledge of the Rosicrucians and Freemasons into modern context. Universal truths can be restated many ways but remain valid.

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